

DIGITAL MUDRA EXTENDED investigates the relationships between the expressive hand gestures employed by public and political personalities, and those of Indian Kathakali dancers. In this artwork, I am revisiting an idea I first explored in an installation that I created at the Kala Institute in 1987 wherein I projected slides featuring then-current political and cultural figures culled from topical news photos. These photos showed hand gestures that I juxtaposed with their Mudra counterparts. In this new work, I feel that I have captured a reflection of what is going on in the world today–as I correlate the Mudras with gestures deployed by technology nerds, global political figures, scions of industry, masters of banking, activists and attorneys, media moguls, and others.

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  1. Hello Sonya,
    I found the correlation of the news item and the meaning behind the hands stunning. I've always felt words are only 5% of how people communicate - eyes, expression, hands and body language fill in the rest. The animation helps the understanding of the gesture. Thanks for the insights. Very interesting to compare.

  2. Dear Sonya,
    You always have something fascinating to say...
    I was struck by two. The obvious love communicated by George Bush to Laura. His gentle hands framing her face. And the hand posture of Italy's PM reminded me of President Nixon's pose: "I am not a crook."
    Be Well...Love Helen

  3. So it looks like many of our world leaders might do betters as dancers.

    Of course, they have years of practice dancing around the issues.

    Nice one, Sonya!

  4. You are always ahead of us your audience. Your extended Digital mudra is captivating! We rush to catch up to your brilliant coupling of todays press clipping and the classic mudra gesture.
    Bravo, Nancy Genn


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